Written by One Step Retail Blog Team
Happy New Year to ALL! We hope you had a very busy and even more prosperous Holiday Season. As the dust begins to settle from the holiday rush, we wanted to take a moment to reflect on all that 2018 has brought for us.
It has been a year of great growth and change at One Step Retail. Working tirelessly to shake the perception that our company is “just a POS Provider.” We have continued to evolve into a complete retail technology partner capable of delivering a wide range of SMART solutions to retailers. 2018, finally marks the culmination of this transformation.
Let's rewind a few years back. Our plan to become a complete retail service provider got underway with the launch of Managed IT Services in 2016 and Inventory Planning in 2017. Like most endeavors, the start was slow and challenging. But, after several modifications, we were able to build an offering we could be proud of. Our team just completed the first successful year of many, delivering on these new services. (Round of applause!)
The realization of these efforts opened up the prospect of continuing to push the envelope on other services we could offer to retailers. We accepted the challenge and, this past month, we officially launched our all-inclusive E-Commerce platform. For many years now, we have been assisting retailers with their brick-and-mortar locations. Our next step was clear. We developed a team to help our clients build and continue to expand their presence online.
And why stop there? Since we were providing our customers with the tools to be successful online, we wanted to protect them, as well, which is why we introduced the first tool in our CyberSecurity suite— Dark Web Monitoring Services.
"Cybersecurity is the single most important topic affecting today's digital world. Cybercriminals are getting smarter by the day, and with the use of artificial intelligence, they can penetrate even the most secure organizations. Retailers are the single biggest targets our there for cyber criminality, and they need to take this seriously or face costly breaches." - Scott Kreisberg, CEO of One Step Retail Solutions
Stay on the lookout for more CyberSecurity announcements as we continue to expand our offering in the new year.
This past year we began to revitalize our efforts on providing more opportunities to connect with retail partners and share in our journey navigating an ever-changing retail landscape. In May, we had the opportunity to join Apple, Shopify Plus, Sophelle, and Teamwork Retail to host an event on “Rethinking Retail ERP in a Customer-Centric World” at Apple’s Headquarters in New York. Followed by an event on the West Coast in Orange County, where we had the chance to link up with Cayan, DEG, Teamwork, and Tulip to discuss how SMART retailing is redefining the shopping experience to meet the expectations of today’s digitally-driven customers.
One Step Retail has not only worked diligently to bring more value to our customers. We also looked high and low to bring that same value to our employees. We can’t say enough about the purpose our employees exemplify on a daily basis. Our teams in Arizona, Los Angeles, New York, and Boston are what makes this company so special. To showcase our appreciation, we were delighted to provide them with an improved range of benefits and resources to help them in their personal lives and careers as we enter the new year.
With that sentiment in mind, we say goodbye to another remarkable year at One Step Retail Solutions and welcome the new year. We are filled with eagerness to continue finding original and innovative ways to help our clients succeed in 2019.
Let’s go!